Are you undergoing thigh lift surgery, but are curious about how soon you’ll be able to sit after a thigh lift?
We’ve got the answers you’ve been looking for, including additional advice that can ensure you enjoy your most successful thigh lift results.
Keep Your Movement Limited
While plastic surgeons generally recommend moving around after surgery to avoid blood clots, the rules are a little different after your thigh lift. Why? Because these incisions tend to be slightly longer than other surgical incisions. This means they’re susceptible to tearing open if you engage in too much movement. Additionally, the excess movement could interfere with your overall healing process.

The same rule of thumb applies to sitting after a thigh lift. Sitting far too early can cause your incisions to accidentally split, leading to a longer recovery period.
We recommend committing yourself to bed rest for at least one week after your thigh lift. This way, you can minimize the amount of potential damage that may be done to your thigh lift incisions. Your body needs energy to heal, and expanding it by moving too much too soon only extends your recovery.
Pay Careful Attention to Your Legs
In addition to limiting your movement, we recommend that patients pay careful attention to how much their legs rub together after the surgery.
To make this easier, your legs will be individually wrapped in order to prevent potential thigh chafing. We also recommend during bed rest that patients lie with their legs separated to prevent moisture accumulation from occurring. Excess sweating can contribute to chafing the skin, which will add to your discomfort and prolong healing.
Consultations Available Now
Take the first step. Get your questions answered by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.
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Dr. Holley will provide you with a comprehensive post-op recovery plan to help you better understand when you can start introducing sitting and movement in the first few weeks after surgery.
You will experience bruising and swelling following your procedure. Compression bandages on your thighs will help control swelling, and we recommend wearing them for up to 4 weeks. This will also help keep pressure off Dr. Holley’s careful sculpting of your thighs. Because your incisions need extra attention, you should limit your activities for up to 2 weeks. Many patients return to work at this time, and light activity may be resumed as well. More strenuous exercise should be avoided for another 3-4 weeks to ensure your thighs are fully healed.
Bottom line: Don’t take on any activity without the green light from your plastic surgeon. This is perhaps the best advice we can give to anyone who may be curious about what they can do during their thigh lift recovery.
Take the Next Step
Would you like to learn more about a thigh lift? Simply fill out the form on this page or call West Michigan Plastic Surgery at (269) 222 1611 to schedule your consultation with Board-Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Holley. Proudly serving Western Michigan and the greater Kalamazoo area.
*Individual Results May Vary.