Tummy Tuck Kalamazoo

Many people assume that liposuction is the same as abdominoplasty, which is also commonly referred to as a tummy tuck. They’re two different treatments entirely. 

Yes, they’re both cosmetic. Yes, they both change the appearance of your midsection, helping create a smaller, tighter, or flatter stomach. However, there are some key differences.

These differences include the way the procedure is carried out, the risks, and the recovery time. Below, we will explain more about the differences between the two treatments. 

About Liposuction

Liposuction involves the surgeon making small incisions around the site of your fat deposits. The fat cells will then be loosened as a cannula (thin tube) is moved underneath your skin. 

Dr. Holley will then use a medical vacuum to suction out the fat deposits that he dislodged using the cannula. You may need to have several sessions to achieve your desired result.

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About Tummy Tuck

If you decide to go for a tummy tuck, you will be put to sleep using general anesthesia. 

Once you have been sedated, Dr. Holley will make an incision at the bottom of the skin covering your abdominal wall. 

After the muscles are exposed, Dr. Holley will sew the muscles together that have become stretched out. He will then pull tight th skin over your abdomen, removing any excess skin, and closing the incision with sutures.

The procedure tends to take between two and three hours.

Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Differences

As you can see, the two procedures differ considerably. A tummy tuck will require you to be put to sleep, whereas liposuction does not require this. Plus, you may need several liposuction sessions, whereas you only need a tummy tuck once. 

The recovery process differs considerably. You can resume regular activity reasonably quickly after having liposuction. You should be able to go back to your typical daily life within 48 hours. 

If you have a tummy tuck, it can take around six weeks to make a full recovery. You should hold off on any strenuous exercise or physical activity until you have had your doctor’s approval. 

While complications are rare, they can happen with any procedure. Tummy tuck risks include infections and wound complications, tissue necrosis, fluid accumulation, and changes in sensation. 

Possible liposuction risks include contour irregularities and numbness. Fluid accumulation is also a possibility. 

Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

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Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Similarities 

The main similarity between these procedures is that they aim to reduce the size of the patient’s stomach, helping them achieve a flatter and more toned appearance.

If you are unsure regarding what procedure is going to be best for you, Dr. Holley will make recommendations and answer any queries you have.

Am I a Candidate for These Procedures?

A good candidate for liposuction or abdominoplasty is someone in good health with realistic expectations for the treatment. If you’re unhealthy or not at a stable weight, the procedure may not be as effective, or complications may arise.

Some medications can interfere with these treatments, so it is vital to disclose these beforehand. The best thing to do is to book a consultation with Dr. Holley, and he will be able to tell you whether or not you are a good candidate.
